Check for free if a website is safe to buy from

Check for free if a website is safe to buy from with F‑Secure Online Shopping Checker. Skip the scams and scan URLs with this shopping website checker now.
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How does this tool work?
😄 All Good!
This is a trusted shopping site! It’s highly rated and safe to use.
  • If possible, buy from a more trusted shop.
  • Find the shop's contact info and return policy. Legit shops don't hide them.
  • Search for any additional safety information online.
  • Only pay a price you can handle losing and never getting back.
  • Paying with credit card or PayPal raises the chance of getting your money back.
  • Beware offers with hasty time limits. They trick you into buying without caution.

Shopping here exposes you to risks like:

  • Losing your money
  • Identity theft
  • Malware infection
  • Account takeover
Switch to automatic safety checking to shop safe always.
The result is based on multiple reviews and security scores. Check the FAQ for additional info.
Do you think this website is wrongly rated? Help us by sending a report.
The result is based on multiple reviews and security scores. Check the FAQ for additional info.
Do you think this website is wrongly rated? Help us by sending a report.

Skip the scams and shop safe

"Is this link safe?" Check for free with this website checker! Skip the scams and stick with trusted shopping sites, because online shopping costs enough even without scammers stealing your money.

How to avoid online shopping scams?

Shopping scams cost money. These basic tips can save you from the trouble.

Check website safety

Scan shopping site URLs with this free website checker.

Unsure? Don’t click.

Suspicious links and online ads are often more than you bargain for.

Get protection for all devices

Our all-in-one security app protects you even when you don’t suspect a scam.
Frequently asked questions
How to check if a website is safe to buy from?
Why is it important to check website safety?
How does this shopping website checker work?
How to tell if a website is legit or a scam?
Is this website safe?
Can I check the safety of any website with this tool?
Why isn’t the shop I’m checking reviewed yet?
Why does this tool flag a shop I know to be safe as suspicious?
Someone sent me a link. Can I check is this link safe before opening?
What is the scale of results I can get with this tool?
Are the results trustworthy and unbiased?